Thursday, June 20, 2013

Fried Mushrooms, Potato Curry, and some Fiber Education!

So I'm lumping these two recipes together here because that's what I did for dinner.
These mushrooms are perfect for when you come home starving and need something quick to make.
I only had one mushroom before Jared accidentally ate them all while I turned around to make the curry...if that gives you an idea of how delicious they are.
Unless you plan ahead, don't worry about the "posh" vinegar...we just dipped them in balsamic vinegar, and it was just great.
Basically, I simplified and just fried the mushroom pieces in salt, pepper, and some torn up basil leaves thrown in at the last second. Fast and easy!

Potato curry:
This was a combination of several different recipes, as I liked the idea and so started throwing ingredients together, realizing along the way that I didn't have this or that, and then improvised... (FYI, marinara is basically tomato puree, for all I know...)
So I would encourage you to improvise as well, because there's absolutely no real way to go wrong with curry!

Ingredients I used:
-Two russet potatoes, chopped roughly into 1- 1 1/2 inch chunks
-One large sweet potato, chopped slightly smaller than the potatoes (sweet potato takes longer to cook than potatoes, so I figured it was good to increase the surface area)
-Three carrots, sliced thinly
-Two roma tomatoes, sliced however (they fall apart while cooking no matter what)
-About three tablespoons marinara or tomato puree
-Three cloves of garlic
-Cumin, salt, pepper, chili powder, cinnamon, tumeric, and dried basil, all to taste (this is what happens when Mia runs out of curry powder, haha).

In a large, deep frying pan, add some olive oil (I used the leftover oil from the mushrooms) and water, and the potato and sweet potato pieces. Add the carrots, garlic, and spices, too.Stir to coat all the chunks with the oil, then cover and cook/steam until the sweet potatoes are soft enough to break easily with a fork (the potatoes will be much mushier by this point). Add more water and continue to steam if needed.
Add the tomato pieces, marinera, and anything else you haven't added yet, and continue cooking until the mix becomes creamy and the tomatoes have broken down. I was stirring it constantly, because I'm paranoid from my history of burning food in pans...stir however you deem necessary, and serve when it looks good!

I served the curry over some cooked barley, which I recommend highly as an alternative to rice. It's high in soluble and insoluble fiber, and so does lots of awesome stuff in your gut. Check out these links:
About Barley's health benefits:
About the benefits of eating more fiber:

And then, I made more rice pudding...

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