Sunday, June 23, 2013

Cheese Cake and Cheesy Herby Dinner Rolls

Weird combination for the title, I know! I'm lumping these two recipes together because they're both videos on allrecipes, and I'm very fond of the guy, "Chef John," who does them. He taught me how to make cheesecake...that was before the start of this blog, back in April for Jared's birthday.
Here's the recipe:
New York Cheesecake
I remember I ran out of sugar, and so I used brown gave the cheesecake a cool almost caramel-like flavor. Also, I made this in pie pans, rather than a cheesecake pan, and it resulted in 3 cheesecake-pies, and 4 cheesecake-"muffins"...there was extra batter, so I poured it into a jumbo muffin tray (with crust on the bottom of each cup, of course!). Tips, if you do it this way: It will take less time to cook them than in his recipe. Keep an eye on them. Cook the muffins in about half the time as the others, or else they'll be way over done...not burnt, but not classic-cheesecake-flavored any more. I baked everything for the same amount of time, and the muffins ended up tasting just like caramel! I loved them, but they were odd, and I was the only one who would eat them.

And here's the recipe for the dinner rolls which I am about to make right now:
Trying to stock up on packable lunch foods while it's still sunday and I'm ahead and enthusiastic...there's a point that comes around midweek, where I can't think of anything else to make, but I need to make something for dinner and lunch the next day, and, "ahhh!" But if I do enough of these random things over the weekend, stuff can be frozen, and then I have something to pull out of the freezer come Thursday. Huzzah!

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