Monday, July 22, 2013

Korean night! Fried Zucchini and Spicy Pork

Last night we made Daeji bulgogi (spicy pork) over rice, and Hobakjeon (fried zucchini) on the side. Both were AMAZING. I'll post the original recipes below, then tell you what we changed (mostly due to replacing ingredients that we didn't have with things that were already in the kitchen).

Spicy pork: Daeji Bulgogi
Changed ingredients:
*4 tbsp soy sauce
*1 tsp crushed garlic (we bought crushed garlic in a jar for the days that we don't feel like mincing it ourselves, and it's very strong, so I reduced the amount by a lot. If you're using fresh garlic, their two tbsp should be fine)
*2 tbsp sweet chili sauce (instead of the gochujang)
*3 light shakes of cayenne (intead of the red pepper flakes)
*1/2 onion instead of a whole onion
 The rest of the ingredients were the same. 
I only want to tell you the differences, because I know that ours was great, and I have no idea how the original tastes. Probably equally awesome.

Zucchini: Hobakjeon
I followed this recipe. I had a rather large zucchini, so it took 3 eggs (beaten) and probably 1/2 cup flour to coat all the slices. I sliced them about 1 cm thick. Oh, and I also added a bit of salt to the beaten eggs, which turned out really well. We used olive oil to fry them, and ate them plain by the dozen because they were so tasty.


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